Pemandangan Menakjubkan Gua Raksasa di Tennessee

Para pendaki pemberani ini terlihat sementara turun ke 'Rumble Room' gua kapur di Tennessee yang berada di kedalaman 350 kaki (106 meter) yang merupakan salah satu gua terbesar di Amerika Serikat (AS).

Plunge: The descent seems to go on for ever as the cavers make their way towards the entrance to the Rumble Room
Plunge: The descent seems to go on for ever as the cavers make their way towards the entrance to the Rumble Room

Para pemberani ini mencapai gua dengan turun dari air terjun besar, berayun-ayun melalui ruang bawah tanah yang sempit dan berenang di sungai bawah tanah paling terpencil di dunia.

Bagi mereka yang ingin melihat Rumble Room harus menghadapi terowongan berukuran 68 kaki (20 meter), dua air terjun setinggi 14 kaki (4 meter), dan lorong-lorong bawah tanah sepanjang 2.000 kaki (609 meter) di Dry Fork Creek, Selatan Tennessee.

Spectacular: Cavers admire the view at the bottom of the stunning Rumble Room caves in southern Tennessee
Spectacular: Lit up by the glow from their torches these cavers look like tiny toy soldiers as they admire the spectacular rings of rock at the bottom of the Rumble Room caves in southern Tennessee

Daring: With water shooting past as they go, the explorers carefully descend a stunning rock face as they explore the 2,000ft of passageways
Daring: With water shooting past as they go, the explorers carefully descend a stunning rock face as they explore the 2,000ft of passageways
Sumber : dailymail

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admin 29 Aug, 2011

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